
Respiratory Fit Testing: Why It Is Imperative for Your Business

    Fit Testing

    For many industries, there is nothing more important than ensuring you and your staff’s safety and peace of mind. This means ensuring that your personal protective equipment (PPE) is working at full capacity. There are many industries that utilise respiratory masks to keep team members safe in hazardous conditions. From chemical plants to medical centres, the military and more, it is imperative that their masks are tightly fit and working at full capacity!

    There are two types of tests undertaken:

    1. Quantitative tests: This testing utilises a technology to test for any leakages around the mask. These tests are conducted to evaluate the “fit factor” which ensures that the mask is fitting safely to the user’s face;
    2. Quantitative tests: This testing is based upon the user’s individual to sense any noticeable mask leaks.This is done through administering noticeable agents that, if there is a leak, the user should be able to discern.

    Naturally, comprehensive respiratory fit testing is essential to ensuring the health and safety of thousands of Australian industry professionals.

    Here, we are going to discuss why it is so important:

    It can save lives

    You don’t want to go too long without undertaking these tests. Because, essentially, ensuring your masks are perfectly fitted is one of the most important ways of protecting you and your team’s health and safety. If you work in a hazardous environment that requires fully-fitted masks then you must have the experts conduct this analysis to ensure that you and your team are safe from contamination.

    It provides education

    Whilst you and your team are industry professionals it also never hurts to enjoy some extra education regarding your PPE. This is especially so for respiratory masks, as they are so essential to you and your team’s health and safety. Your experts will provide extra education on how to properly care for and utilise your masks so that they are always working at full capacity.

    What’s more, your experts will provide ongoing education so that you and your team can continue to recognise the dangers associated with leaks. They will have a heightened awareness of when their masks have faltered and are experiencing a dangerous leak.

    Advanced service

    Whilst you and your team will receive ongoing training to gauge a leak it is also important to utilise a cutting-edge service to gauge for leaks. Your experts use state of the art technology to gauge even the smallest leaks that could cause serious health problems.

    You simply cannot receive a safer and more comprehensive service elsewhere. Sure, your team may become accustomed to detecting some forms of leaks based on their smell, but this test provides a comprehensive safety analysis that will ensure even aroma-less leaks can be blocked before they can enter the system!

    It is simply the safest test method

    There is no safer way to test for leakage than respiratory fit testing. The experts have the skills, experience and technology to ensure that you and your team is safe from any hazardous contaminants that may threaten your team’s health and safety.

    It’s for this reason that companies across Australia utilise this method to ensure their masks are properly fitted and blocking any contaminants entering their system. So, if you’re concerned about the risk of contaminants harming you or your staff, you know what you have to do – organise one of these imperative tests today!

    Roxana Carter
    Roxana Carter is the author of He wrote many best articles for the people. She always tries to share the latest news and information with others.

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